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How to forecast Cleveland-Cliffs stock performance?

We forecast Cleveland-Cliffs stock performance using neural networks based on historical data on Cleveland-Cliffs stocks. Also, when forecasting, technical analysis tools are used, world geopolitical and news factors are taken into account.

Should you buy Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) shares?

12 Wall Street equities research analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Cleveland-Cliffs in the last year. There are currently 1 sell rating, 6 hold ratings and 5 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street equities research analysts is that investors should "hold" CLF shares.

Who is Clif High?

And today I’m bring you Clif High. Some of you may know Clif. Many of you probably don’t. He’s a real character. He’s this super smart, computer programmer who seems to know a lot….about a lot. I believe his history was working for Microsoft in a pretty key role, and then he eventually retired to run his own stuff.

How much should you buy CLF (CLF) in 2023?

Their CLF share price forecasts range from $12.00 to $26.00. On average, they expect the company's stock price to reach $20.53 in the next year. This suggests a possible upside of 22.8% from the stock's current price. View analysts price targets for CLF or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts. How have CLF shares performed in 2023?

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